5 to 10 INCHESHigher

World's Only Calf Isolator!
Proven Results.

All it takes is only 10- 15 minutes a day! You will never outgrow
the Sky-King Calf Isolator!
The Benefits of using the Sky-King Isolator over similar workout equipment:

  • Easy to Use!
  • Fast Results!
  • Safe Workout!

Order Now!

"To Sky-King, I faxed to order a Sky-King. We had one at college but now I need one down here. Thanks and hope you hear from you."

Bryce Drew- Houston Rockets

"I have been viewing your website with great interest as I have not seen your products advertised anywhere here in the UK. I am a keen martial artist and am always looking for new techniques to improve my speed."

Colin Murray - Scotland UK

"Wanted to let other athletes and sport teams know the success our girls volleyball team has had with the "Sky-King Calf Isolator." We started using this system at the beginning of our school season three weeks ago. All players have shown an increase in quickness and vertical jump. The entire workout takes only 20 minutes at the most, and we include it in our practices three days a week. I would recommend this to all athletes who are interested in getting a great calf workout and increasing their vertical jump."

Bryan Stenehjem- Anchorage, Alaska

"Ken, For all the good your machines have done us, I should pay you triple what they are worth. I honestly saw a young man dunk the ball with two hands for the first time in his life after only 2 weeks on the machines. Our boys coach scoffed at it, he tried to tell the rest of the team that it wasn't a calf isolator, but all the other training he was doing. It was amazing that after he stopped the calf isolators when my class was over, he was never able to dunk with 2 hands after that. You know Ken, I have always been a believer in the mental approach to the game. If that boy believed that the calf isolator made him better, why not let him do it and convince the others to become better. Some coaches can't see the forest for the trees.

Janet Conner - Martinsville HS

To order fast just call Ken!

1 574 276 8094

Are you ready to jump higher and develop stronger feet for explosiveness, do you want to be a Sky-King! ORDER TODAY!

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the Sky King Calf Isolator in increasing calf girth, calf strength, vertical jumping ability, balance, and agility

10 -15 minutes every other Day is all it takes!


  • Run Faster Instantly!
  • Get the Super Stretch every athlete needs!
  • Progressive Resistance
  • Increase your Foot Quickness and Ankle strength virtually overnight!

Questions just contact us:

  • 10254 Jefferson Rd.Osceola, IN 46561
  • 1 574 276 8094